How to Delete Columns in Excel

Would you like to know how you could easily delete one or more columns in Excel? We can take a look at it together in this tutorial!

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If you’re asking how to remove columns in Excel, you’re in the right place! To find the answer, we’ll use the data table you can see right in front of you now.

How to Delete Columns in Excel - data table

First, you need to click on the selected column heading represented by a letter located on the top of the spreadsheet. That’s how you mark the column you want to remove. In our case, this is gonna be column B.

Now right-click and choose the option ‘Delete’.

How to Delete Columns in Excel - delete option

And that’s all you need to do! You may have spotted that the order of the columns got adjusted to the change we’ve made. February’s not in column C anymore, but it’s moved to column B.

How to Delete Columns in Excel - deleted column

And here are two tips to make your life with Excel easier:

How to Remove Multiple Columns That Are Next to Each Other at Once in Excel

If you need to remove multiple columns that are next to each other at once, select the first column of the batch – click on the left button of the mouse, then hold and drag through all the columns you want to delete.

How to Delete Columns in Excel - delete multiple columns

You don’t need to waste your time counting the number of columns you’re highlighting – Excel will do that for you! Just look at the little box on the right where you’ll see the selected column count.

How to Delete Columns in Excel - caunt deleted columns

Once you’ve marked all the columns you want to remove, repeat the steps you already know – right-click into the highlighted area and select ‘Delete’. Good job!

How to Delete Columns in Excel - remove multiple columns

But watch out!

How to Remove Multiple Columns That Are Not Consecutive

If the columns you need to delete are not consecutive, you’ll have to try a slightly different way to remove them.

Select the columns by clicking on the first one, then find and press on the keyboard the ‘Ctrl’ key. While holding it, select any column you need by simply clicking on it. Let’s pick columns C, E and G, now.

How to Delete Columns in Excel - remove columns

Use the right-click, choose ‘Delete’, and we’re done!

How to Delete Columns in Excel - delete more columns at once
How to Delete Columns in Excel - lost columnsHow to Delete Columns in Excel - lost columns

There’s one thing to keep in mind, though.

How to Prevent Loss of Data in Excel

In this tutorial, you saw how to delete columns from a spreadsheet.  Before you remove any columns, make sure you won’t need the data they contain, since all the information becomes lost after deletion.

If you still need the information contained in the columns you intend to remove, it’s always better to hide them.

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