How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel (3 Most Common Types of Hyperlinks)

In today’s tutorial, we’ll have a look at how to create a hyperlink in Excel. Thanks to hyperlinks, you’ll be able to access a specific file, web site or a place in the document in one click.

Let’s get started then!

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In Excel, we can create different types of hyperlinks and today we’ll have a closer look at the three most commonly used ones.

How to Create a Hyperlink to Existing File

We’re gonna kick off with the hyperlink to an existing document, so to create the hyperlink, you’ll need to select a cell first, as usual.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - Existing File

Let’s click on C3. Then we go to the Insert tab and select the option Link.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - C3 cell
How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - Insert Tab

A pop-up window appears and you can choose where the inserted hyperlink will lead. The options are as follows:

  • an existing file or a web page
  • a place in the document
  • you can create a new document with a hyperlink
  • and an email address
How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - Pop up window

As we’ve already mentioned, today we’ll focus on the most commonly used options and we’re gonna go through them one by one.

Since here, in the first example, we want to create a hyperlink which opens an existing document, we click on the first option – Existing File or Web Page and this is what we get.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - Existing File or Web Page

As you can see, here’s the folder ‘EasyClick Academy’ which contains three specific files.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - Folder EasyClick Academy

If you need to select a different file from another folder, you can use this option Browse to look for any file in your computer.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - Option Browse

Each hyperlink comes with a text that displays in the cell. You can change the text according to what you need and you can do it here, in the field ‘Text to display‘. We’re gonna stick with ‘Click Here’ now and select the file ‘Sales-West’. Click on OK, and that’s the first hyperlink created!

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - Text to Display
How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - File Sales - West
How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink

Let’s try it out.

Click on the link and the file ‘Sales-West’ opens right away! Great! Now, close the file, we’ll carry on.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink - try out

How to Create a Hyperlink to Web Page

The second most commonly used type of hyperlink is the one that takes you online, to a web page. Again, let’s click on the cell where we want to create the hyperlink, go to Insert, then Link.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - Insert Tab
How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - Option Link

In the pop-up window you’re already familiar with, choose the option ‘Existing File or Web Page’ again. Now, down here, where you see ‘Address’, insert the URL address to which you want the hyperlink to lead.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink - Insert URL

If you want to change the text to display with the hyperlink, you can do it up here. Again, we’ll leave it at ‘Click Here’ and hit OK.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink - Change the Text to Display

Ta-da! The second hyperlink’s here. When you click on it, it opens our web page, EasyClick Academy, which has been inserted here.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink - Second Hyperlink
How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink - Easyclick Academy Web Page

How to Create a Hyperlink to Place in the Current Document

And last but not least, let’s have a look at how we can create a hyperlink leading to any place in this document.

The first steps are practically the same as in the previous two cases. Click on the cell and select Link. But instead of the first option, go for the second one – ‘Place in This Document’.

Excel now lists the sheets in this document. There are two sheets here, so we’ll pick the second one – Sales – to create the hyperlink leading there.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink - Place in This Document

Select the sheet and if you want the cursor to land on a specific cell within the sheet, you can enter the cell reference in the field ‘Type the cell reference’.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink - Type the cell reference

Currently it displays the coordinates A1. Let’s change that to let’s say B7 and click on OK.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink - Change to B7

If you now click on the link, Excel will open the sheet with sales which we selected a while ago in the pop-up window and the cursor has been set on the cell B7.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink - Opened Sheet with Sales
How to Create a Hyperlink in Excel - First Hyperlink - Cursor set at the cell B7

The same way works if you need to create a hyperlink to an email address or create a whole new document. In the pop-up window ‘Insert Hyperlink’ simply select the right option.

And if you’re by any chance wondering how to remove these links, watch our tutorial on how to remove hyperlinks in Excel. The link to this tutorial is in the below below.

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Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next tutorial!